
Ingredients: 1 kg low fat minced meat, 1 kg potatoes, 10 garlic cloves, dried herbs, 400 g can chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp butter, half a cup of skimmed milk.

Peel the garlic cloves and crush them. Fry it in a large pan with some oil. 

When the garlic starts to get golden, add the meat.

Stir often. Add salt, pepper and the herbs.

When the meat starts to get brown, add the chopped tomatoes.

Preheat the oven at 180° C.
In the meantime, boil the potatoes.

Mash them, with salt, butter and milk.
Put half of the mash in an oven proof dish.

Add the meat. Then the rest of the mash.

Bake in the oven for 30 min. Let it rest for 30 min before serving, like this it will keep its shape.