Chicken, chorizzo and mushrooms stuffed bread

Chorizzo, chicken, mushrooms, garlic, gravy and cheese - what more could you want??!! oh yes, some bread :).

Ingredients: 1 bread (i used gluten free one), 100 g chorizzo, 150 g chicken breast, 100 g mushrooms, 2 garlic cloves, 100 ml thick gravy, 2 cheese slices.
Pre-heat the oven at 170 C.
Cut the chorizzo and fry it in a heated pan with 2 tbsp oil.

Remove the chorizzo from the pan and set aside. In the same pan, fry the chichen until golden brown.
Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside. Fry the mushrooms and garlic in the same pan.
Mix the chicken and chorizzo.
When the mushrooms are soft, mix the chicken and chorizzo into the pan. Remove from the heat.
Cut the top of the bread off and scoop out the middle. Pour the meat mix into the bread.
Add the gravy on top.
Cover with the cheese.
Put the bread top back, cover in foil and bake for 40 min. Rest for 10 min before cutting.