Ingredients: 2 cups of flour, 1 egg, vanilla essence, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 cup semi-skimmed milk, maple syrup, 5 tbsp Marsala, 3 tbsp of fruit spread.
Put the flour in a bowl. Add the egg, sugar and vanilla.
Start pouring milk until you get the consistency of a double cream.
Heat up a pancake pan. Put one drop of oil on. When the pan is really hot, put a ladle of the mix in the middle. It should be thick as a finger.
After about one min, turn it on the other side.
Bake it for up to a min.
Start layering the cake: one waffle, put soma Marsala on top. Another waffle, spread some fruit jam on. Alternate each layer: Marsala, fruit spread, maple syrup.
Ornate with some fresh fruits. Cut the cake and serve with cream on top.