Friday evening. Exhausted after a hard week. Fridge almost empty - all that's left: 1 leek, 2 courgettes and a few celery stalks. So a thought pops to my mind: greens are always good for you :).
Ingredients: 1 onion - chopped, 1 green chilli - chopped, 1 leak - chopped, 2 celery stalks - chopped, 2 courgettes - chopped, 6 - 8 green olives - halved, salt, pepper, 2 tbsp olive oil, 50 g hard cheese - cubbed.
Heat the olive oil. Add the onion and cook until softened. Add the celery stalks, leeks, courgettes and chilli. Cover and cook for 10 min.
Add the olives, then season with salt and pepper. Set aside to cool. When cooled down, add the cheese and serve.