Because my grandparents used to live in a village, they grew their own chickens. So I know this technique from my grandmother, God rest her soul. She used this technique for 60 years, and it's still efficient.
Start with the full chicken. I always start with the wings, then thighs, and then the crown.
Pull the wing towards the exterior, to find the joint. start cutting around the joint until you see it.
Do the same on the other wing.
Off to the thighs then. Start cutting the skin on the back of the chicken, to expose the thigh.
Now you can probably see or feel the joint, so you can cut it.
This is what you get:
To separate the thigh and the drumstick, start cutting the flesh around the joint.
Now the other side. No worries, the hard part is behind you :).
Hey, don't forget to separate the thigh and the drumstick!
Well done!!! We are half way there!
Remove the excess skin from the crown.
Great job!! Now we will remove the bone on the breast, with small cuts, following the bone, to leave as little meat on the bone as possible.
Cut the breast in 2 parts.
To prepare the bones for soups, cut the back in half.
Well done! Now you can start cooking!