De-constructed cheesecake with raspberry sauce

I tried this version of cheesecake because it does not contain any eggs. However, I didn't whisk my cream before folding everything together, so it was a little bit liquid. Still delicious!

Ingredients: 500 g low fat cheese cream, 250 ml single cream - lightly whipped, vanilla essence, 100 g caster sugar, 1 lemon juice, zest from half of lemon, zest from half a lime. For the crumble: 50 g butter, 200 g shortbread biscuits. For the cause: 200 g raspberry, 50 g sugar.

Mix the cheese cream with the vanilla essence and caster sugar. 

Keep whisking until light and fluffy.

Add the whipped cream.Don't forget: whip it before!

Add the lemon juice and the lime and lemon zest.

Whisk everything together, then let it cool in the fridge for 4 hours.

For the sauce: put the raspberries in a pan with the sugar. Add 1 tbsp of water.

Boil until the fruits are softened.

Sieve the fruits to obtain a lovely sauce. Press the fruits really well, so that you get all the pulp out.

For the crumble: melt the sugar in a non sticky pan.

Press the biscuits until they are crushed. I used a rolling pin.

Add the crushed biscuits to the pan.

Mix and cook until browned.

Set aside to cool.
Now it's time to assemble. I have to admit I messed it up more then once, scraped everything and tried again. So I have 2 versions of the final assembly. :).
Version 1: put a spoon of sauce on the plate and scrape it towards the middle.

Add some crumble on top:

This is where I
 messed up, because my cream cheese was to runny. I poured 3 tbsp of the cream on the plate.

Then a little bit of the sauce on top and 3 raspberries.

And then I figured, neh!! It has to be perfect! Quick thinking got me to put some of the cheese cream in the freezer. Scraped the plate and started again.
Version 2: a little bit of crumble on the plate.

2 tbsp of cheese cream.

Sauce on top and fresh raspberries.

Don't forget to keep it cool until ready to serve.